Monday, September 22, 2008

today's inventions

The printing press was invented by Johannas Gutenberg. It was invented to make things easier instead of having to wirte things out by hand. With that invention it helped to produce books in a shorter amount of time, and with doing this the economy could buy more books and give the economy more more. It also helped those who could'nt read or write. So with more people that was purchasings books, it hepled people teach themselves how to read or write.

One of todays modern inventions that i would say helpes the most is computers. We also have type writters but they we don't to much use those anymore. Most computes even have a thing where you have a spell check and it will correct the word for you. With writing a book it helps you as well because it stores information and its way more faster than typing on a type writter, and also more advanced.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Do you mean society when you say economy in the printing press paragraph? Need to discuss how computers contribute to the spread of knowledge in our society, too. Missing two pictures.

Quite a few errors as well. Please make corrections to this post. As is 22/30 points.