Thursday, September 25, 2008

Would you go?

To first off answer the question would i go? No, i wouldn't i mean i don't like exploring and finding new things. Some rewards that i might find is new life on the plant. I mean with our world like it is with global warming and the landfills, findong a better place to live would be good. The second thing that i might find is that people and aliens do exist in outer space. There is another life and another civilization up there.
Some risk that might happen going into the unknown is not knowing what you are getting yourself into. Yeah, there migth be aliens up there but they might not like humans and you might be abducted.
You migth also run into comets and they might blow you up and you might die

Monday, September 22, 2008

today's inventions

The printing press was invented by Johannas Gutenberg. It was invented to make things easier instead of having to wirte things out by hand. With that invention it helped to produce books in a shorter amount of time, and with doing this the economy could buy more books and give the economy more more. It also helped those who could'nt read or write. So with more people that was purchasings books, it hepled people teach themselves how to read or write.

One of todays modern inventions that i would say helpes the most is computers. We also have type writters but they we don't to much use those anymore. Most computes even have a thing where you have a spell check and it will correct the word for you. With writing a book it helps you as well because it stores information and its way more faster than typing on a type writter, and also more advanced.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

what does carpe diem mean to me?

Assignment 1: Preview Reflection Blog Post: Carpe Diem?Write a blog post that addresses the following question to get you thinking about this unit.Base your response to this question on your own experiences.
Do you agree with the famous Latin saying carpe diem? Why? or Why not?
Carpe diem translates as pluck the day. It involves the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future.

Yes, i agree with the latin term because to me its just like saying live life to the fulliest. I mean you may never know what may happen, i see it as saying live everyday like it was your last. You can't get to the future if you can't get past the present. Take everyday step by step, i mean it's ok to think ahead but don't get to far ahead of yourself.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

what religion am i?

Each of the places that we visited St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Congregation of the Children of Israel, and Al Huda Islamic Center. I enjoyed learning about other religions, and i also felt as if they coinsided with the religion that i study. Even though they don't worship in the same ways that we do, i can still respect and follow along with the way that they worship. I wouldn't mind going back, becasue i learned alot about what other religions believe in and who they follow, and different things that they do to worship, and how they go about praying.

When i walked into the buildings i felt as if i was walking into one of my churchs, all of them had the same beliefs that i did. I either saw pictures of jesus, or god. All of the religions had traits of one or the other. Like praying for instance, all of the religions prayed atleast 1 time a day. I thought that some of the buildings were really small then i thought that some of them were really big.

I learned that some of the religions had different names for god, like allah was one of them, and some believe that moses was the first prophet ever to exist. I already had a pretty good vision of what they guest speaker would look like, and most of them where old. They looked like guys that had been around for a long time. I thought that it was really cool how they take off their shoes and put their heads on the floor and pray. I also thought it was cool how the jews torah was written in hebrew and how he understood it, and just read it like it was nothing.