Tuesday, August 19, 2008

why does religion exist???

In my opinion i think that different religions exist because of heritage, belief, and a background. Many people are brought up on certain beliefs, from their childhood. Some people are brought up on what their grandparents and ancestors believe. Religion is not something that just came abour or just happened to evolve. It's something that has been around for decades and decades. You can't just sterotype someone because of there beliefs or religion background. Their decision might not have been their choice. Yes i think that all religions have a creator, and they all have a beginning. People continue to follow that religion because of their religious beliefs, and the different values of that religion, and what they believe. It serves a purpose in their lifes because its how some people worship on a daily bases. Many religions have things that you are suppose to do on a daily bases. For ex: Christianity, you are suppose to pray when u wake up, before you eat and before you go to bed. It all depends on the customs of that religion.

Monday, August 11, 2008

What does it mean to be civiliized???

To be civilized means to have self control. Someone that is civilized is someone that knows how to take care of things in the correct way and correct manner with out having any problems. Someone that is civilized is someone that also knows how to respect others and their property. Who doesn’t disrespect others when things aren’t going their way. Who knows how to show remorse for others and compassion when they need it. They also know how to help others in time of need when they need. They know how to handle things without all the fighting and the conflict.