Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I’m only 6, why do this to me?
You have me locked in so now I can’t see
You have me blocked off from the world I once knew,
I never thought this was something you’d do.

You took me away from my mom and dad,
They were my only family, they were all I had.
Without them I have to try to survive,
I have to continue on, for life I will thrive

You make me think I am an animal of some sort,
Like I’ve done something, and waiting for my day in court.
I often fear your soldiers will have me killed,
They have us dig gravesites and tombstones they make us build.

I’d love to be free as any other child,
Dead bodies on top of bodies are made into piles.
I hope one day I make it out alive,
Although all of my pride and dignity has been derived.

Why o Lord why me?
Why did this happen to thee?
I’m fighting the war
I can’t do any more
Why o lord why me?

Before this war I could see
I was trying to be all I could be,
Suddenly a bomb flew
There was nothing I could do,
Soon after there was nothing I could see

Although I had on my mask
The air I could not grasp
It contained chlorine
To strong for me
It left me sick and blind too.

Cherish your eye sight everyday,
Because on day you might have to pay,
I never thought
It would happen to me
For being all that I could be.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

nuclear war a human consequences

1) black rain, it flattened buildings, in a mile radius, it destroyed everything and it killed plants and people, everybody's body vanished.
2) The atomic omb caused servere burns and loss of eyesight, general malasie, fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite.
3) No, i dont thiknk that countries should have access to Nuclear weapons, because they do to much damage, and after all of the damage to many lives are destroyed.
1) who has Nuclear weapons? US, United Kingdom, France, Pakistan, India, China, and Russia
2) Libya, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea
3) because they might just be waiting on the right time to use it in the time of war.
what is nonproliferarion? basically means that you cant develope nuclear bombs.
a) What are the goals of Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty? To stop the spread of nuclear weapons, to contain the nuclear arsenals that are already in place around the world, and to make sure that existing weapons are managed.b) By the year 2000, how many states had signed the NPT? 188c) Why is the treaty important? Because it gives some control over nuclear stock piles, and it makes it less likely that the weapons will be used because it sets up conditionsd) Which countries are areas of concern? Why? Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Russia, China—all of these countries are possible threats to the United States and it’s allies.e) What did North Korea do in 2003? It never came into compliance with the treaty and pulled out all together in

Monday, October 20, 2008

Is war necessary?

I don't think war is necessary, because there is no need for violence. Violence is not the answer to everything. If you have to use violence and terror as a way to get your point across then there really is no need to make that point because you never know what your action will cause in reaction to the other person, and or country. Sometimes you have to sit and talk things out, even if a person does something to you......turn the other cheek, atleast thats what i was taught.